Assoc. Prof. Zbigniew LECIEJEWSKI (Military University of Technology, Poland) – chairman

PhD Eugeniusz MILEWSKI (Military Institute of Armament Technology, Poland) – vice chairman

Lt. Col. PhD Jacek KIJEWSKI (Military University of Technology, Poland) – secretary



MSc Jacek BOŻEJKO (Military University of Technology, Poland)
PhD Marta CZYŻEWSKA (Military University of Technology, Poland)
MSc Karolina ĆWIK-KĄCKA (Military Institute of Armament Technology, Poland)
Elżbieta IWANICKA (Military University of Technology, Poland)
Eng. Dariusz JASIŃSKI (Military University of Technology, Poland)
MA Lucyna KOMORZYCKA (Military University of Technology, Poland)
Lt. Col. PhD Grzegorz LEŚNIK (Military Institute of Armament Technology, Poland)
PhD Małgorzata PAC (Military University of Technology, Poland)
MSc Aldona PRZYBYLSKA-LEMIESZCZUK (Military Institute of Armament Technology, Poland)
PhD Judyta SIENKIEWICZ (Military University of Technology, Poland)
MSc Karolina STACHOWICZ-LADA (Military Institute of Armament Technology, Poland)
MSc Anna WAŻNY (Military University of Technology, Poland)